Postal code 412921, VOL'SK, SARATOVSKAA OBLAST', Russia - Russia postal codes list PostalDB
Postal code of the postal object in accordance with the current indexing system: | 412921 |
Name of postal service: | VOL'SK 21 |
Type of postal service: | O |
Index of the postal communication object superior in the hierarchy of subordination: | 412900 |
Name of the region, territory, republic in which the postal service is located: | SARATOVSKAA OBLAST' |
Name of the area in which the postal service is located: | VOL'SKIJ RAJON |
Name of the settlement in which the postal service is located: | VOL'SK |
Date of updating information about the object of mail service: | 20001030 |
Post office "ВОЛЬСК 21"
Post office address: | Saratovskaa obl. r-n Vol'skij g. Vol'sk ul. Aroslavskaa dom 85 A |
Federal Postal Office: | UFPS SARATOVSKOJ OBLASTI |
Post office name: | VOL'SK POCTAMT |
Alternative Post office name: | VOL'SK 21 |
Post office class: | 3 |
Post office type: | Gorodskoe otdelenie poctovoj svazi |
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Post office ВОЛЬСК ПОЧТАМТ on map - Saratovskaa obl. r-n Vol'skij g. Vol'sk ul. Aroslavskaa dom 85 A, Russia
Post office ВОЛЬСК 21 located on Саратовская обл. р-н Вольский г. Вольск ул. Ярославская дом 85 А