Postal codes for Bol'nicnyj Pereulok, Novosibirsk Gorod, Novosibirskaa Oblast', Russia
No results found.
Postal code: 630003
FIAS database information
Postal code: | 630003 |
Formal name: | Bol'nicnyj |
Official name: | Bol'nicnyj |
Global unique address object identifier: | 37519732-d776-4fb1-9b97-96c5778d4354 |
Address object level: | 7 |
Code of the object of administrative and territorial division (OKATO): | 50401368000 |
Municipal Code (OKTMO): | 50701000001 |
Area code: | 000 |
KLADR code: | 54000001000012600 |
KLADR code without a sign of relevance: | 540000010000126 |
City code: | 001 |
Record validity date: | Tue, 06 Jun 2079 00:00:00 +0000 |
IFNS FL code: | 5407 |
IFNS UL Code: | 5407 |
Record action status: | 21 |
Parent object identifier: | 8dea00e3-9aab-4d8e-887c-ef2aaa546456 |
Record identifier from previous historical record: | 11d2e53b-a7be-43f0-a1b7-427ccddd2fdf |
Region code: | 54 |
Short name: | per |
Record start date: | Tue, 26 Sep 2017 00:00:00 +0000 |
Street code: | 0126 |
Update date: | Wed, 04 Oct 2017 00:00:00 +0000 |
Intracity area code: | 000 |
Additional address forming element code: | 0000 |
Subordinate additional address forming element code: | 000 |
Live status: | 1 |
Regulatory Document: | 057d2710-0e61-42ce-875d-9c0bab26a2c2 |
Plancode: | 0000 |