Postal codes for Uutnaa Ulica, Krasnodar Gorod, Krasnodarskij Kraj, Russia

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Postal code: 350087

FIAS database information

Postal code: 350087
Formal name: Uutnaa
Official name: Uutnaa
Global unique address object identifier: a3c278d6-8595-4ae2-9087-d02d75b78447
Address object level: 7
Code of the object of administrative and territorial division (OKATO): 03401000000
Municipal Code (OKTMO): 03701000
Area code: 000
KLADR code: 23000001000121299
KLADR code without a sign of relevance: 230000010001212
City code: 001
Record status: 99
Record validity date: Mon, 01 Jan 1900 00:00:00 +0000
IFNS FL code: 2311
IFNS UL Code: 2311
Record action status: 30
Parent object identifier: 7dfa745e-aa19-4688-b121-b655c11e482f
Record identifier from previous historical record: b5ab1fa6-1b96-42e3-acda-00f4208b5d41
Region code: 23
Short name: ul
Record start date: Mon, 01 Jan 1900 00:00:00 +0000
Street code: 1212
Update date: Thu, 16 Nov 2017 00:00:00 +0000
Intracity area code: 000
Additional address forming element code: 0000
Subordinate additional address forming element code: 000
Plancode: 0000