Postal code 431900, KADOSKINO, MORDOVIA RESPUBLIKA, Russia - Russia postal codes list PostalDB

Postal code of the postal object in accordance with the current indexing system: 431900
Name of postal service: KADOSKINO
Type of postal service: O
Index of the postal communication object superior in the hierarchy of subordination: 431499
Name of the region, territory, republic in which the postal service is located: MORDOVIA RESPUBLIKA
Name of the area in which the postal service is located: KADOSKINSKIJ RAJON
Name of the settlement in which the postal service is located: KADOSKINO
Date of updating information about the object of mail service: 20110121

Post office "КАДОШКИНО"

Post office address: resp. Mordovia r-n Kadoskinskij pgt Kadoskino ul. Rezakova dom 9 A
Post office name: RUZAEVKA POCTAMT
Alternative Post office name: KADOSKINO
Post office class: 3
Post office type: Gorodskoe otdelenie poctovoj svazi
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Post office РУЗАЕВКА ПОЧТАМТ on map - resp. Mordovia r-n Kadoskinskij pgt Kadoskino ul. Rezakova dom 9 A, Russia

Post office КАДОШКИНО located on респ. Мордовия р-н Кадошкинский пгт Кадошкино ул. Резакова дом 9 А