Post office "SEABE" located on STAND NO. 2183, SEABE VILLAGE, P.O.SEABE 0417, Dr. Js Moroka, Mpumalanga

Post office name: SEABE
Post office type: PO
Classification: E
Universal service obligation: USO
Area: Waterberg
Province: Mpumalanga
District municipality: Nkangala
Local municipality: Dr. Js Moroka
Nodal point: NO
Cost centre code: 95810
Open date: 01.04.1996
Updated date: 01.07.2008
Street Address: STAND NO. 2183, SEABE VILLAGE, P.O.SEABE 0417
Suburb: SEABE
Town/City: SEABE
Postal Code Box Code: 0417
Postal Code Street Code: 0417
Service: U
Urban Rural: RURAL
Built-in Counters: 1
m² of Public Area: 21,09
m² Of Back Office Area: 129,91
m² Size Of Outlet: 151,00
Average No Of Transactions: 2491
Online: On-line
Rented: Yes
Predominant language spoken in the area: Setswana
Motor vehicle lcences: No
Number of needy households: 6291
Branch contact number: N/A
Branch fax Number: N/A
Monday-Friday: 8:00
Wednesday: 9:00
Saturdays: 8:00
Sundays: Closed
Holidays: Closed
