Post office "TONGA" located on Tonga Mall, Portion 3 of Farm Tonga 475 JU, Tonga, Nkomazi, Mpumalanga

Post office name: TONGA
Post office type: PON
Classification: E
Universal service obligation: USO
Area: Lowveld
Province: Mpumalanga
District municipality: Ehlanzeni
Local municipality: Nkomazi
Nodal point: NO
Cost centre code: 18645
Open date: 28.03.2013
Updated date: 28.03.2013
Street Address: Tonga Mall, Portion 3 of Farm Tonga 475 JU, Tonga
Postal Code Box Code: 1385
Postal Code Street Code: 1385
Service: U
Urban Rural: RURAL
Built-in Counters: 4
m² of Public Area: 100,00
m² Size Of Outlet: 250,00
Online: On-Line
Rented: Yes
Motor vehicle lcences: No
Number of needy households: #N/A
Branch contact number: (013) 7803240
